Therapeutic Massage Torquay
Take some time to put your health and wellbeing first with a therapeutic massage Torquay at Surfcoast Massage. Therapeutic massage differs from a relaxation massage in that it is used to treat pain and chronic health issues. While a therapeutic massage is also relaxing the goal is to obtain relief for the client for a range of muscular complaints such as neck, shoulder and high and lower back pain.
Therapeutic massage therapist, Lisa Beveridge will meet with you to evaluate the best form of therapeutic massage to suit you and how many massage sessions may be required to eliminate and muscular pain or discomfort. As she receives many referrals from health professionals such as doctors and osteopaths she can also use therapeutic massage as part of a larger treatment plan. As she is experienced in a range of massage forms Lisa may use remedial massage or deep tissue massage techniques.
Therapeutic Massage Benefits
Benefits of therapeutic massage include:
- Stress relief
- Improved circulation to strengthen the immune system
- Loosen muscles, improve muscle tone and increase flexibility
Surfcoast Massage is accredited for WorkCover and Health Cover rebates, so be sure to ask for a receipt when you book your therapeutic massage.
Based in Torquay, Surfcoast Massage is a short drive from Geelong, Melbourne and the Surf Coast. Phone and make an appointment with Lisa for therapeutic massage Torquay on 0438 668 878 at Surfcoast Massage.