7 Benefits of how massage can improving diabetes
August 4, 2019Diabetes type 1 and 2 can be assisted with regular massage as it assists in regulating blood sugars and improves the circulation throughout the body. Although diabetes is seen as a disease from the medical world we forget that these diseases are caused from our own bodies defences and can be helped with medication but the key is working with our body to help it improve. A good diet is essential and watching what we drink is also important, the benefits of massage is incredible and can assist with the following.
- Blood circulation -relieving pain, reducing stress, depression and anxiety and preventing hardening of the arteries
- Massage works in conjunction with medication
- Blood sugars are regulated, stabilising the sugar levels
- Helps to prevent damage to nerve endings
- Massage helps to improve the flexibility of tissue and joint mobility
- Stimulating the lymph system
- Removing toxins from the body
All of the above can be slowed down or effected because of the lack of production of insulin. Through massage energy is circulated around the body encouraging flow and movement of blood cells where the body cannot do it due to the effects of diabetes. This movement helps to regulate blood sugar from going from low to high and helping blood sugars to stabilise and prevent damage from occurring to the nerve endings.
Surfcoast Massage has been working with diabetes for the passed 14 years and is fully trained in remedial and lymphatic drainage which are 2 ways of treating diabetes. Surfcoast Massage is located in Torquay and Jan Juc and can be contacted on 0438668878. Contact Lisa to discuss a treatment plan for you.