Sports Massage Torquay

A large portion of clients at Surfcoast Massage require sports massage Torquay. Sports massage therapist, Lisa Beveridge has over 11 years experience in treating all kinds of athletes from elite swimmers, netballers and footballers, recreational golfers, paddlers and surfers to triathletes, marathon runners and cyclists.

Sports massage has increased in popularity and offers distinct advantages for pre-event, inter-event, post-event and rehabilitation treatment and is increasingly regarded by professional athletes and coaches as playing an essential role in enhancing athletic performance and injury prevention.

Using techniques such as deep tissue massage and remedial massage it increases the amount of blood flow into the muscles decreasing any stress or tension, helping to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Benefits of Sports Massage

Sports massage Torquay can benefit a range of sporting injuries such as tennis elbow, corked thigh, knee injuries, twisted ankles, shin splints, relief from discomfort, rehabilitation and recovery. With regular exercise sports massage benefits include:

  • Recover more efficiently from heavy workouts or training sessions
  • Train harder for longer and get fitter faster without injuries
  • Reduce muscle pain and other soft-tissue injuries during training
  • Extend you athletic career
  • Achieve peak performance and your best results in your chosen sport
  • Reduce repetitive sporting injuries

Not only for athletes or sports enthusiasts, anyone can benefit from sports massage to maintain a healthy and active body. Make an appointment for sports massage Torquay, just a short drive from Geelong and the Surf Coast on 0438 668 878.